RiskGONE (Science-based Risk Governance of Nano-Technology) is an EU H2020 project aiming at providing solid procedures for consistent risk governance of engineered nanomaterials.
Welcome to the RiskGONE Cloud Platform. In these pages you will find a description of all the scientific outputs of the RiskGONE project, organized in various categories and sections, that allows easy navigation to all interested stakeholders. For more information on the project, its aims, partners and other public information, you may visit riskgone.eu
The RiskGONE Cloud platform includes the following sections: I) Decision trees, II) TGs – Guidelines, III) Project Deliverables, IV) Data and DBs, V) Regulatory information, VI) RG framework overview / Library of tools, VII) Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD). The sections can be found here.

This project has received funding from European Union Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020) under grant agreement nº 814425.