The PROPLANET EU project focuses on developing innovative, sustainable coatings to replace harmful PFAS-based materials in industries such as textiles, food packaging, and glass. The project creates hydrophobic, oleophobic, and non-stick coatings designed with "Safe and Sustainable by Design" principles, minimizing environmental and health risks. Using advanced computational tools and eco-design methodologies, PROPLANET aims to support circular value chains and enhance safety while delivering high-performance solutions. These coatings are optimized for durability and reduced maintenance, promoting sustainability across multiple applications.

PROPLANET project is funded by the European Union under the GA nÂș 101091842. More information at:


  • LungDepoSim

    A web application developed for analyzing particle deposition in human lungs and evaluating associated hazards based on the ICRP or the MPPD model.

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  • SimpleBox4Planet

    The SimpleBox4Planet tool provides a user-friendly environment to access the SimpleBox, a multimedia mass balance model used to evaluate the fate of chemical substances in the environment. The tool includes a database with the properties of candidate substances used as PFAS alternatives.

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